To enable people to reach their full potential and secure and manage a home, this training needs assessment has been compiled to allow you, or with assistance from a support worker to rate your skills and identify what you would like to improve.
The assessment gives links to the relevant courses and referral mechanisms which are included in the course recommendations within this assessment.
The assessment can be carried out multiple times, depending on your focus at the time. Aim to identify 3 – 4 skills that are manageable or suitable and revisit when necessary.
Completion of the development skills will enable you to identify the most appropriate course for you, through a catalogue of courses. Each catalogue includes the delivery mode, the duration and location of the courses, if the course results in a qualification or if unaccredited and if relevant, the number of attendees on the course.
If there are any barriers which stop you from learning or attending training, please let your support workers know. Maybe they can find a solution.
This training needs assessment form is hosted by the Council to support you in identifying training opportunities. The ‘Development Skills’ section will summarise the learning options that will best suit your learning and training goals. The Council privacy notice is available on the Newark and Sherwood District Council website.